Development in Manchester
Fixed Price
Property Summary
The owner will look at a new developer either stepping into the JV, or purchasing the site for £8,000,000.
Glossop Road Gamesley - Section 106 Update – Planning Obligations
For the outline HPK/2014/0665 (which we inherited - agreement dated 13th April 2015) and amended by the Deed of Variation HPK/2018/0178. These agreements outline an affordable housing requirement, as well as financial contributions totalling £200,367 towards a travel plan, education, open space and play space.
Planning application HPK/2018/0191 – reserved matters of earlier outline consent HPK/2014/0665 – planning consent for 93 dwellings to include 20 affordable properties.
Planning Application HPK/2019/0474 – full planning consent for 50 dwellings – as an amendment to HPK/2018/0191 – providing a net increase of 19 dwellings – proposed S106 to include contribution of £103,472.20 towards the provision of 3 secondary and 1 post 16 pupil places is required in addition to the sums secured under the previous s106 agreements relating to the site given that there is no current capacity, based on a methodology used consistently for all major housing schemes across the High Peak.
Also HPBC Open Space team have commented stating that based on the uplift in dwelling numbers on the site, they would require off site play contribution to enhance existing play facilities within Gamesley (£3,648); an off site contribution to enhance existing outdoor sports facilities within Gamesley (£9,298.60) and off site contribution to the existing allotment site on Melandra Castle Road (£1,444); totalling £14,390.60 in addition to the existing requirements in the S106 agreements relating to the site.
In addition to the above, the Affordable Housing contribution of 6 x additional affordable units would also be secured via the Section 106 Agreement. The re- location of affordable housing units would need to be dealt with in the same agreement by way of variation to the previous agreements, and which will also retain the other financial obligations required.
Glossop Road Gamesley - Section 106 Update – Planning Obligations
For the outline HPK/2014/0665 (which we inherited - agreement dated 13th April 2015) and amended by the Deed of Variation HPK/2018/0178. These agreements outline an affordable housing requirement, as well as financial contributions totalling £200,367 towards a travel plan, education, open space and play space.
Planning application HPK/2018/0191 – reserved matters of earlier outline consent HPK/2014/0665 – planning consent for 93 dwellings to include 20 affordable properties.
Planning Application HPK/2019/0474 – full planning consent for 50 dwellings – as an amendment to HPK/2018/0191 – providing a net increase of 19 dwellings – proposed S106 to include contribution of £103,472.20 towards the provision of 3 secondary and 1 post 16 pupil places is required in addition to the sums secured under the previous s106 agreements relating to the site given that there is no current capacity, based on a methodology used consistently for all major housing schemes across the High Peak.
Also HPBC Open Space team have commented stating that based on the uplift in dwelling numbers on the site, they would require off site play contribution to enhance existing play facilities within Gamesley (£3,648); an off site contribution to enhance existing outdoor sports facilities within Gamesley (£9,298.60) and off site contribution to the existing allotment site on Melandra Castle Road (£1,444); totalling £14,390.60 in addition to the existing requirements in the S106 agreements relating to the site.
In addition to the above, the Affordable Housing contribution of 6 x additional affordable units would also be secured via the Section 106 Agreement. The re- location of affordable housing units would need to be dealt with in the same agreement by way of variation to the previous agreements, and which will also retain the other financial obligations required.