Development in Oldham
Property Summary
The asking price for the 3 parcels is £5 mil
8 parcels of land (A-H) in this brochure but only 3 are included in the sale (ABC).
Parcel A is the site with the mill which is privately owned. Parcel B and C are owned by the council and are being sold with parcel A to make the offering more attractive as there is a need to develop this land. Parcel B owned by the council is crucial to parcel A, as vehicular access into parcel A is restricted to a single access point and could only be improved via an existing access across parcel B.
There are 4 smaller parcels owned by the council (EFGH), I would envisage that these could be negotiated on too if they were of interest......they are much smaller, but let me know if of interest and I will find out.
Parcel D is owned by Keepmoat Homes and they are building houses on this plot. This is a much smaller parcel than those for sale.
The mill itself is currently being demolished, and all asbestos has already been removed from the site.
The site is 8.6 acres which equates to £581.395 per acre.
We have received an offer of £3.5mil, but they are wanting £4mil and not budging (we have sat on this offer for sometime now, and he hasn't budged!) Suffice to say this could highly likely be acquired for £4mil.
There is no planning on this site, but the council are keen for it to be developed - I believe they are favouring 3/4 bedroom houses on this site.
8 parcels of land (A-H) in this brochure but only 3 are included in the sale (ABC).
Parcel A is the site with the mill which is privately owned. Parcel B and C are owned by the council and are being sold with parcel A to make the offering more attractive as there is a need to develop this land. Parcel B owned by the council is crucial to parcel A, as vehicular access into parcel A is restricted to a single access point and could only be improved via an existing access across parcel B.
There are 4 smaller parcels owned by the council (EFGH), I would envisage that these could be negotiated on too if they were of interest......they are much smaller, but let me know if of interest and I will find out.
Parcel D is owned by Keepmoat Homes and they are building houses on this plot. This is a much smaller parcel than those for sale.
The mill itself is currently being demolished, and all asbestos has already been removed from the site.
The site is 8.6 acres which equates to £581.395 per acre.
We have received an offer of £3.5mil, but they are wanting £4mil and not budging (we have sat on this offer for sometime now, and he hasn't budged!) Suffice to say this could highly likely be acquired for £4mil.
There is no planning on this site, but the council are keen for it to be developed - I believe they are favouring 3/4 bedroom houses on this site.