development in Dudley
Property Summary
Purchase price £6M
Here we have a mixed use investment which is currently generating £600k per annum. There is currently 4 shops vacant and 2 office floors that are currently vacant, if all were occupied the rental income would be £750k per annum.
In the block with offices it has 4 floors, 2 floors are vacant and the other 2 are on short term tenancies. There can be 32 apartments within this block as the plans have been approved. We have been quoted by a local builder that for each conversion of the units would cost in the region of £50k per unit. ( In my opinion this is way off mark )
The vendor has submitted a positive pre app for an additional 170 apartments mixed of 1+2 beds. please see details below.
- Trident House:
14 Wolverhampton Street, Dudley DY1 1DB
Conversion of office building into 29 apartments which is already consented. For an additional 3 apartments on the 6th floor, the former planning application has been submitted.
- Trident Park View:
187-192 High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QE
Proposed development: 56 Apartments pre application is submitted (please see attached)
- Trident Place:
193 - 204 High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QJ & Inhedge Park (back side)
Proposed development: 81 Apartments & 7 Villas, pre application is submitted (again please see attached)
I have also attached an old brochure which was put together but Allsop which was given to the buyer when he bought this site.
The pre app ref for this site is PRE19/00422
Here we have a mixed use investment which is currently generating £600k per annum. There is currently 4 shops vacant and 2 office floors that are currently vacant, if all were occupied the rental income would be £750k per annum.
In the block with offices it has 4 floors, 2 floors are vacant and the other 2 are on short term tenancies. There can be 32 apartments within this block as the plans have been approved. We have been quoted by a local builder that for each conversion of the units would cost in the region of £50k per unit. ( In my opinion this is way off mark )
The vendor has submitted a positive pre app for an additional 170 apartments mixed of 1+2 beds. please see details below.
- Trident House:
14 Wolverhampton Street, Dudley DY1 1DB
Conversion of office building into 29 apartments which is already consented. For an additional 3 apartments on the 6th floor, the former planning application has been submitted.
- Trident Park View:
187-192 High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QE
Proposed development: 56 Apartments pre application is submitted (please see attached)
- Trident Place:
193 - 204 High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QJ & Inhedge Park (back side)
Proposed development: 81 Apartments & 7 Villas, pre application is submitted (again please see attached)
I have also attached an old brochure which was put together but Allsop which was given to the buyer when he bought this site.
The pre app ref for this site is PRE19/00422